Saturday, April 30, 2016

Google Chrome explain the program in 2015 with pictures | Download / Install / Use

Google Chrome explain the program in 2015 in Pictures
In a previous article we talked about downloading Google Chrome browser and the strong program that produced giant Google Inc., and our custom on your website Techno ancestor to provide visitors with an esteemed photographer explains how to download the software, and how to install and use;
See also
Explain a new email
Download Google Chrome Arabic
Download Saifun program
did not?
This is because most of the programs you need to adjust some of the important characteristics during the installation process, and some of them fills your Windows system of your advertising programs and add-ons and browser extensions for the purpose of publicity.
Image [1]
After visiting the link to download the software from the official website Google; the default page for the program Google Chrome will appear, where the blue button titled Illustrated install Chrome]
Explanation of Google Chrome program
Image [2]
When you press the Install button; the window that followed illustrated the terms of service agreement or use Cockle Chrome software will appear, and which can perform two functions:
Google Chrome is set as your default browser works automatically when you visit any of the sites or when files are supported by the browser.
And select the second option, the Google Chrome browser will be sent to developers of the program statistics and reports about errors that you experience while browsing; this program which helps Chrome developers to resolve these problems in the next version of the program. The choice is yours in selected or not.
After selecting the options that you deem appropriate; press the green button [Accept and Install]
Demonstrate the use of Google Chrome program
Image [3]
The program will begin in the loading process; and during, the Google site will show you a message of thanks to the use of one of its products Chrome, the message also includes an alert in the event of non start of the program in the download automatically; it is in this case asks you to click on the word [please click here to try again]
Explain terracing Google Chrome program
Image [4]
After the download is complete; Find the downloaded file on your computer and then turn it on, then Google Chrome program will begin the installation process, which shows the following picture
Explanation of Google Chrome installed
After you have finished the process of downloading the program; perhaps you care to be aware of some of the customizations that you can work with Google Chrome to give you more convenience.
Change the language
You may discover after you load a program that chrome language is Arabic, and to change the program language into Arabic press the [options] icon on the top right program and then on to the [settings Thread Tools]
Image [1]
Google Chrome Arabic language change
Settings page will appear; went to the bottom of the page to find the button [Show advanced settings]
Image [2]
Explaining google chrome
Stnsdl rest of Chrome settings, scroll down a bit to the bottom of the page until you find the place of the Languages ​​to click on [Language and input settings]
 Image [3]
Help google chrome
You will see the following window and shown on its left languages ​​available which can choose from; choose Arabic [Arabic] and then to the right of the window, press [Display google chrome in this language] and then press [done] for implementation.
Image [4]
Google Chrome explain Arabization program
Close your browser and re-open it again to appear in Arabic.
In to Chrome
Sign in to your account in Chrome option, the synchronization process which retains all the options and best friends as you browse the program starts, if you log back into your account from any other device; it calls you to your settings and synced through your account at Google.
To log in and work synchronized; orientation of the program settings to: [Sign in to Chrome]
Image [1]
Explanation of Google Chrome sync
You will see a login window; type your user name and password, if you do not have an account or Emil on Google Gmail | Google Mail, you can Emil worked on Google easily.
Image [2]
Google Chrome sync
You can specify the square [choose what syncs] to determine the settings that you would like to sync; well you can control what Todd synchronized or not by visiting the Google Dashboard. After logging in to your Gmail account.
Themes appearances
Login to Google Chrome appearances market you can choose between the most beautiful manifestations and forms that you can add to Cockle Chrome to become more splendid and beautiful appearance, find in this market that suits the tastes of most users of a program; and we present you with some examples of these appearances or templates.
To add any of these templates will press a button [in addition design] shown below each design, you will open a design store link on Google; and has a design window; Adhath to push a button [free] as the following image

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