Saturday, April 30, 2016


esson 02 Google Earh | Explain the various methods of drawing on Google Earth
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The find ...
Lesson 02 Google Earh | Explain the various methods of drawing on Google Earth deals with the second lesson from the lessons of Google Earth to learn the various ways and techniques to draw on Google Earth series. It was a technique for arranging drawn elements addressed so that they are ready to be converted into any GIS program. And we will look to the process of converting the KML or KMZ from Google Earth to any other program in the next lessons, God willing.
I leave you with the lesson
In the case of problems that could unfortunate by opening the program can watch the first lesson to find out the solution.
 Lesson 02 Google Earth | Drawing on Google Earth
Lesson 01 Google Earth: a solution to copy google earth inauguration of the problem and clarify the difference between them
Solve the problem of communication and open Google Earth with modem Modem 3G and Aloeva

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