Saturday, April 30, 2016

7 Days Of Healing: God's Revelation For Diabetes & More

7 Days Of Healing: God's Revelation For Diabetes & More by Mickey Bermudez

Seven years ago while visiting my cousin, he was checking his blood sugar level, he asked me if I wanted my blood sugar level checked, I said yes thinking there was nothing wrong with me. We all looked at the meter 5-4-3-2-1... Silence in the room then a reading of over 400! I felt like the world had stopped. You see my mother had passed away from complications with diabetes and to my understanding none of my other siblings had it. My cousin said "Do you know you have diabetes?" I said NO... I knew 400 was not good, added to this I had no medical insurance. What was I going to do? This is how my diabetic journey began. Why would God give me such a powerful insight into the world of diabetes? Why not give it to someone who had experience in the medical field... or did He? The definition for revelation is something revealed that has been hidden. Why would anyone hide this information from us all? You guessed it money; the cost for treating diabetes has reached well over 1 billion dollars a year! We are nothing more than a cash cow; they don't want us to be free from diabetes! They want us to be dependent on their medicines... but God wants us dependent on Him. This plan will also help your family and friends who don't suffer with diabetes. My wife who doesn't suffer from diabetes went on the same plan. She no longer suffers from migraine headaches. You see this is not about a symptom it's about a root problem. To find out more about the root problem you must read 7 Days of Healing A Diabetic Revelation from God in its entirety. In this book you will find the plan to start taking back your life and saying NO to high blood sugar levels, high blood pressure and more. Regardless of how long you've been suffering with type 1 or 2 diabetes, in just 7 days you can begin to turn your diabetes around. This book 7 Days of Healing A Diabetic Revelation from God, It's about the journey God took me through, revealing the steps necessary to turn my diabetes around. This book will help you if you choose to follow the plan found in it. This is not about a diet or a new pill found to reverse diabetes. It's a plan which God designed before you were born, to keep your body running in peak performance! Diabetic medication prolongs the process of this deadly disease, causing more damage to your body and therefore, allowing it to become more susceptible to other ailments. Why will this plan work for you? It came from God, not from me. Never in my imagination could I have come up with something as powerful as you will see. Think about it, I was able to lower my blood sugar level by simply eating an apple. How is this possible, considering that a medium apple has almost 19 grams of sugar? You will discover this along with other amazing revelations, when you read the book, 7 Days of Healing A Diabetic Revelation from God. I have also included over 30 of my food intake charts, over 30 fruit and vegetable charts and many more! 

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