Friday, April 29, 2016



Welcome and hello to all of you in this new topic of our site, which we offer to you through a review of the company Jodadi.

Ohishr companies among the Arabs, although they have not received only 5/10 of positive Altakimyat But most Arabs love it, personally I like that company do not know why !! Is the speed of technical support? Mother of lower prices they have?

Frankly very famous company on Arabic sites and I can assure you that 70% of the sites for new Arab and blogs are only used to host Jodadi because the company offers you a hosting service + Free Domain with 12 $ just for a year, so why does not like Arabs.

Generally we in this issue we present a review of the company in detail, you can proceed as follows ....

This picture shows the Alastdhavy evaluations in several areas.

Jodadi company used control panels wonderful system and featured Cpanel only Jodadi, where Jodadi give their own control panel is an excellent form of large and brilliant speed and quality.

Modern system at all, designs easy to deal with light and prices in some things and hosted the specific Shi Ehat There have special sites Aluwrdberas without the other host.

The company's current director is Ben Gabler, which provided us with all the information. You will find below.

The great thing about this company from others is the ease of access and the beauty of design and ease of Altaalm with him, excellent design praises it to everyone, only to click on the word Hosting to open in front of you all hosting plans in an orderly and uncluttered and easy enough.

Of the company's other features is that it provides two types of web hosting, the first type is the host of Windows and the second is for Linux as Linux is popular with everyone I do not think that one has not worked so far on Linux Lama and Andozvho submerged and who do not know everyone, because its use is bad and requires things strange but important to some people who really need it.
The only reason that makes you choose Windows hosting is that you will work on the language of, which dictate that language to use Windows hosting services.

Date and buy the hosting process.
Very easy process and are almost of the easiest payment operations and buying online, provide you with the company several payment methods, which facilitates its presence with everyone, where you can pay by PayPal Bank Visa Card and MasterCard, and also you can pay by bank account from any country in the world.

You can register through the storefront with ease and choose the hosting plan you like and do account at the site later with ease through a real email and then in the process of payment in every way that we have mentioned earlier, and then choose the hosting type, whether Windows or Linux and then write C Pannell name and password, and so you have an account on the site Jodadi + hosting.

It features the company Jodadi they release a lot of coupons in many times not only Petkl coupons at certain times of the year but that the coupons Jodadi exist in abundance on the forums and websites in Arabic and you can get a coupon that you want as there are coupons give domain B0.99 $ for a whole year this Coupon online with vendors mini services on Arabic sites.

A variety of different coupons you can put in your account and buy what you want from the company less than a quarter of the price almost enough to write in Google Jodadi coupon to see hundreds of thousands of search results.

If the process of registration and purchase of hosting is easy and simple with Jodadi and also the price will not make you complain thanks to coupons that you save a lot of money in several operations.

Coupons are available in order to host the book, in order to renew the host, in order to buy and book domain and also renew the domain.

After the completion of everything you'll get a hosting control panel in this way and where there are also Arabic and languages ​​Most famous even Chinese.

Power control panel.
Of course, as we mentioned previously that the control panel is CPanel but cPanel special kind of where that Jodadi company offering the painting wonderful new format as we have seen in the previous picture, yes, do not be surprised this is cPanel but is easier and more professional.

Painting offers some web applications and scripts ready-to-install and installation directly, such as WordPress and Joomla and OpenOffice Kart Forum Vb and lots and lots of wonderful web applications, it means that the company offers you the convenience and lack of concern from the search for the various scripts and offers you more than 100 scripts Free ready for installation directly.

I'll like the new shape completely, openly Jodadi excelled in design.

One of the characteristics of this painting is that it shows you the state of the site in the main As Nrhy through previous picture you can easily locate the Mini on the left side of the screen.

The painting progress status for direct service where you can see ...

The use of the processor.
Capacity use RAM.
Current operations.
Number of current operations.
The use of languages ​​open hosting.
The use of hard disk capacity.
The ability to absorb files + current number.
The use of monthly bandwidth.
For downtime
Expressly Jodadi excellent in this thing where you will not find the site, but stopped each period, but unfortunately if the time comes and stops site may still more than 12 hours is turned off.

Excellent technical support and deals with this matter directly, where it entered into the Support page you will find that the problem exists on the home page was written by Gary solution, I can evaluate the duration of the site have stopped by almost 5/10 if not more.

But this does not usually happen in hosting expensive plans.

Jodadi have strong reactions and fast against the penetration of any of the sites that have hosted, the company denies any breach operations or attempts to find loopholes in the hosting servers and bear all the burden on website owners and hosting.

Hosting has advanced degrees in a strong safety against the penetration as well as CageFS technique used in servers Linux has.

As some of the other companies, the Jodadi provide backup service but provide backup in another way.

The company provides this service automatically and manually automatic Either they are at night from work every day and either hand it can and with the help of the new Control Panel to make copies manually and upload it to the computer without any trouble.

Only all you have is the pressure on the backup at any time and wait a minute and then you will have a download link and you can download on your computer and transferred to any other host or retained.

In addition to that the company will automatically correct the mistakes of the site, if any, through the existing backups to have.

Technical support
If you need anything or maintenance of the site or a problem or there a mistake you can contact directly for technical support, technical support for the company Jodadi very cooperative and offers the simplest solutions and doing maintenance instead of you, just all you need is to click on the word Support interface Jodadi.

They have lots of kinds of support and assistance, 24 hours a day without stopping.

But unfortunately they do not have support in the Arabic language, but you can use google translate in some terms.

Technical support over the phone.
Technical support via online chat.
Technical support through tickets.
Technical support via e-mail.
Technical support via the official forum.
Technical support via Twitter.
I can assure you that all the technical support is very cooperative ways beyond the border, and you can order anything you want them and Sinfdhunh gladly.

the speed
The Serfrat with medium-speed and fast Jodadi company so that economic co-host will quickly take advantage of you in the range of 600 visitors a day.

Why do I tell you this because I have many plans these circumstances for being cheap, but if you think it's very effective for large sites thou wrong that you had a very large site, I advise you to host Traffic Blunt Hostinne

the prices
Expressly Jodadi prices varying from display to time but it already offers great services at Boukash but they also offer other services at very high prices.

But widespread among the users of the company they are using coupons in abundance and therefore the prices are suitable for everyone, can you personally get Domaine $ B0.99 for a year through the coupon and you can also renovated Bkopon to become only the price of $ 3 instead of $ 15 in other companies.

We can say that Jodadi company the best company in prices between all Arab and US companies.

Money-back policy
We can consider that this part is the worst part of the company already, the company put arbitrary policies against users.

On the other hand there are companies that give you your money at any time of the year after the payment but Jodadi company do the following ....

You can restore your finances during the 45 days in the public plan.
You can restore your finances during the 48 hours per month plan.
You can not request payments after this period previously described, even if you do not use the product requested by the company.
You can not recover twice the money for the same product.
This company arbitrary political show by saying, "This is not the best policy to deal with the recovery of the payments, but we want to guarantee our right because a lot of users asking for the annual plan and do what they want and then seek to recover their money."


-Support Technician is excellent.
The company's technical support offered through many ways is not present in any other company, as we mentioned earlier and that technical support will help you in anything that would like to get it.

-mentjat Distinctive.
The company Jodadi wonderful policy with users in all situations and offers good, fresh and unique products which is unique to that company this Donna products for others.
They can support companies and small businesses, and you can read the piece through their blog private.

-nahj Again.
Jodadi company of the best companies in dealing with the new world of technology and in particular the world of hosting and management of the sites.
With this new Executive Director of the company got better as a company and as users and Ktaaml with users is also where the company pursues a modern approach in every corner of it.

-Keyboard -Mouse Cpanel control.
It became necessary to get those newly Control Panel, give you Jodadi company and form a new well.

- Notices the use of resources.
This is something that does not exist in other companies and unique to Jodadi Donna for others.

-sarfrat Very fast.

-Technical support .
We mentioned that the technical support has many advantages and disadvantages, but did not mention, which is that direct technical support will make you wait too long in front of you because the large number of users waiting to talk like you Unfortunately, the number of employees does not cover the number of users.
Other bad and the right technical support is that they are very slow to respond to e-mail and the ticket and possibly for up to 24 hours waiting for you.

-No, You can rely on them in the backup sadly.
As the company explains that they sometimes do not do to activate the automatic backup to your site and therefore are advised not to rely on any host, and say that you have to rely on yourself.
But this does not usually happen only in rare cases.

Well, you now have a complete vision for Jodadi company, you have to keep coming into the company's website and review all the plans that you need.

If you are perplexed between hosting companies you do not know does not matter you can choose to opt Jodadi company and I personally advise them in case if you are a beginner and do not know where to go.

Jodadi Trek company exactly where to go.

And here we finish with a review of Jodadi company for hosting services and manage Web sites, any question or suggestion to the topic you can leave it in the comments

Peace, mercy and blessings of God

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