Thursday, December 31, 2015

Dope Tech: Best of 2015

Hey where the guys in KBC here in 2015 was a great year plenty of joke text came out during the year 2015 so in such thing 2015 was the year of the blank answer cliche here but I put into a box like that too much awesome stuff came out so we're going round up all that stuff this video will serve as a hug for everything you need to know about the year that just happened in Texas number one smart phones they're kind of everywhere of funny people have now on we got a bunch of Awesome smart phones released in 2015 their performance got better their features got better there cameras got better they had that are in a lot of ways and would be hard to go wrong with any of the top 3 choices of course I made an entire separate video the smart phone Awards 2015 boom the card is right there that video details all the stuff you need to know regarding all the phones released this year dinner also tablets and out something entire video about those tablets because there's a bit of a weird here in 2015 I guess as far as progress goes about the same they were bad we still got some really good ones iPad air 2 iPad pro pixel sees from Google surface pro 4 but they definitely how to confuse trend going on as far as the functionality goes so she watches that video to and then there were wearable technology that you actually we're on yourself and 2015 was the year of the second wave of smart watches including the first Apple Smart Watch called the Apple watch of course we have that alongside others like the  Moto
360 versions to the Moto 360 sport and some more smart watches from others pretty much Chevron gotten to the game in the last 2 years everywhere from wild way to actually watch makers like Tag Hewer these pretty much all do way more than your average fitness been since they talk to your phone and sugar notifications and stuff but the thing is I definitely all still smart phone accessories not standalone devices by themselves that's kind of the point I was also kind of cool see Android wear show up on the iPhone this year ever for reality takes a few steps forward every year and this is no exception we got new stuff from Samsung in the graveyard and Google car Dorothy's being the headsets that actually use the display in your smart phone to deliver that immersion experience but the stand-alone headset also advance so we got newn oculus
rift new Sony PlayStation the are
progressing on his project Morpheus and HTC advise which I got hands on time with this stuff is definitely the hardware required to make a good quality of the are
experienced aside from I got Google cardboard is pretty expensive for the limited functionality nevertheless early adopter is a Virtual Reality stuff are more than willing to drop a few hundred bucks to give this emerging tech a shot so no touch and 3d touch became so. Out of the blue a really big deal for Apple and their whole ecosystem this year so three touch is software reacting to different levels of pressure from your finger so the new iPhone 6s and 6 S Plus have 3 touch displays and after being built to take advantage of it first touch is just to love the pressure it's a hard force press or a lighter one with the same idea more pressure equals a different function with all that stuff like the Apple watch the new MacBook track pad the MacBook Pros that came out and the new Magic Tracked together all small services but I would expect a sensitivity in larger services like an iPad next year and I would be surprised to see 3d touch used to make a big design change in the iPhone 7 in 2016 just saying so I keep an eye on pressure sensitivity I think that's honestly apples big innovation of this year USB Type C if you don't know now you know its new its awesome if here to stay if the newest generation USB port so reversible carries more power car is faster data and already to fear was he in a couple smart phones tablets and laptops on their accessories we write all of this year in a couple smart phones Nexus 6 p and Nexus 5 x 1 + 2 we start to see it in tablets the Google pixel see results from Asus and from Dell and then most notably the new MacBook know when you look at the new MacBook was just one part that solo lonely USBC for it and then an $80 adapter needed to do anything other than charging it does seem kind of weird and behind but I can pretty much guarantee that the next generation MacBook will have more than one of these for it hopefully a few and expect a bunch more smart phones to have this port in 2016 the waiter doctors not the guys like apple with their lightning for a while and Samsung sticking with micro USB but down the road USBC it wasn't for Microsoft specifically the hardware lineup they have out for it now never really have like a nexus name but you can say this service line about now is the Nexus of Windows 10 Hardware we have your service book the laptop pros and cons of that guy but if I am in its own right then the surface pro for as your tablet and of course you have a Lumia 950xl as your highest and windows 10 smart phones and the continuum which has a nice way of them all talking to each other also thanks your comments my 950xl was in the mail for here so that'll be one of the first smart phone that check out for 2016 should be fun cars man just is like the hundred year old car industry is always a little bit behind when it comes to that text up but 2015 was solid and 2016 is promising on the Big Ten personally of two things in cars 1 electric cars and to self driving or autonomous car is probably why I'm such a big fan of the Tesla Model S six of fun fact about the Tesla Model S right so it's a really high and electric car and it's a really high tech car so its got its own Internet connection you can download software updates on the fly to improve its feature set and the way it drives and each individual Model S with the adaptive cruise control and self-steering which combined to be called autopilot Madison learns the road to drive so what so you're in a Model S & u take a new curve with autopilot on and it's a really tight curso have to slow down a little bit it takes a little too fast it'll be about you a little bit tell you to take a steering wheel it didn't really quite get it right that time that's something you don't learn for the next time you come around that on the map and you do it again the second time it'll slow down a little earlier take care of a little slower probably won't be but you probably won't take it too fast I will start to understand the curve a little better to the third time before time the 5th time that you take. Curve maybe it's in your daily commute the car is learning it and eventually we'll do it just perfect little slow down hug it perfectly and eggs at the curb like a normal driver and that's awesome but not the Model S kind of treats of stuff like part of a fleet of every single Tesla Model S what's Ben's that data up to the network and then on your next software update when you download that software update everyone else's Tesla Model S will get those improvements to that part of the road so if I Drive by there a week later and I've never seen that part of the road before on autopilot my car already knows to slow down a little early and take that curve nice and tight because the person before me did it and their car learned it that's pretty. Rights of one more thing check on YouTube did really well again this year plenty of new channels plenty of new communities new people to talk to you about tech and I was kind of number to support this so of the 86 videos that I uploaded to YouTube all about a candle last year over a thousand years of human life or spend watching on even more than the 2014 numbers which were already pretty ridiculous those kind
of coffee check on YouTube still growing and take a video flourishing on the internet so in summary 2015 was pretty dope 2016 have the truck back to follow but things were up for it thanks for watching I'll talk to guy next year

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